Residential Zones

The City of Oak Hill has six (6) main residential zones, all for single-family dwellings:

  • Zone A = 10,000 square feet or roughly a quarter-acre minimum per single-family residence    
  • Zone B = 20,000 square feet or roughly half an acre minimum per single-family residence
  • Zone C = 1 acre minimum per single-family residence
  • Zone D = 2 acre minimum per single-family residence
  • Zone E = 3 acre minimum per single-family residence
  • Zone F = 4 acre minimum per single-family residence


Each zone has its own setbacks, lot coverage, and height limitations. Contact a City staff member for more information on any of the listed zones.

  • Following the meeting, if a subdivision or recombination of properties is requested, the interested party can apply to the Planning Commission for approval of subdivision and/or recombination. The initial information needed to be placed on the Planning Commission agenda must be in the City office 30 days prior to the meeting and includes:
    • Proposed plat were drawn to scale, with all notes required. See the Oak Hill Subdivision Regulations available in City Hall.
    • Letter describing the project and its future
    • Soil studies for the possibility of steep slope issues
    • The filing fees are available on The City of Oak Hill Schedule of Permit fees.
  • After the initial review, comments will be available one week after the deadline. At this point, the applicant has one week to answer/respond to the comments and turn in 4 additional copies of the response and updated plans.
  • The applicant, or their designated agent, must appear at the Planning Commission meeting to discuss the combination/subdivision. If there is no one to discuss the request, it will be tabled until the next month.
  • If the final plat is approved, a new copy is needed for registration of the new plat and records in City Hall.